midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
8:23 pm

We are never aware of the fact that life is so volatile till it strikes close to home.

Saying sorry is redundant and regards are just words.

For those associated with Welton, nothing can ever be done to reverse what has happened but remember that you are not alone in your grief. Let the tears flow freely for they help heal the soul.

~May we all part one day only to return to one another~


Tuesday, February 15, 2005
5:33 pm


Okay well not really. Today at 8:15 is the cut off date for my psych test and if you can't tell, I've been putting this one off for a looong while. (current time 6:20 [Time of return from quest]) n_n;;

For some reason I'm really starting to dislike psych....might be mainly cause the chapters are so friggin HUGE. Ugh...but anyway I would have sworn I was going to fail. (~Nooooo)

There were like 6 of the questions that I didn't really know definately the answers for, and the most you can get wrong before you have to repeat the test is 4. (minimum of 80% to pass) I was really anxious, and yeah, I was not a happy guppy. But after antagonizing over the questions that I had 'if's' about I finally clicked the dreaded blue "mark test" button. (Blue is evil [association with test results and the stupid error screens on windows]) and lo and behold.....I PASSED! WHOOP! I swear I could have jumped up there and start doing a dance but considering the other people in there were also doing tests and would not have taken kindly to my *ahem* joyous celebrations I decided to just stick to grinning like a dork.

The only question I got wrong was one I definately did not know. One where it asked which province had the most clinical psychologists and which one had the least relative to population. Considering I just skimmed through the section with the statistics, how was I supposed to know Quebec had the most and Ontario had the least? Since most of everything that happens in Quebec and Ontario seem to be similar I would have thought that was not the case.

That must mean that Quebecers are more mentally unstable. XD heheh, DON'T HURT ME. (I know people who are currently in Quebec, from Quebec and I like French. *grovels*)

But anyways, now that THAT is over. I'm going to go and tackle my mountain of dishes that I swear is going to avalanche and kill me if I make the slightest movement and take out the trash, which I think I saw move....


Monday, February 14, 2005
At The Beginning...
8:36 pm

And he proclaimed...

Let there be light!

So I turned on the lamp. XD

Well, here is my first post on blogger and man was it hard to pick a name that sounded good and looked nice that was not taken already. Grrrr, people, if you're not going to update your page for three years, please cancel your names! Arugh, but now that I have a name I'm rearing to go. And after I get my psychology reading done (which is out to kill me I swear), I will set forth and buy an HTML for dummies book and start on this right away. And juice! Gotta remember to buy juice....


Xanga Me
6:07 am

So here's my first post on xanga. Seriously, I have no idea what to write.

Lately all I've been doing is staying up till 6 o'clock in the morning reading my chapter readings. I have a boring life, but I guess this is my 'just desserts' for having the last four months off. XD (which was really boring by the way)

All I hope is that I get a good grade in psychology cause right now half the stuff I'm writing is going in one side of the brain and out the other. Sucks. I wish I was one of those smart brainy people with the photographic memories. Anyways, this was just one of my random 'getaway' moments in an attempt to distance my self from my studies (which is spread all over the glass table 5 feet from me right now...noooo) Anyways, back to reading...(aughhh)

Tally hoooo!....

Note: This was originally posted on Xanga and moved here since I'm closing my Xanga. Poor Xanga, has seen no action from me since Januaray 14, 2006.

