midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Sunday, March 13, 2005
Day of Rest...
11:38 pm

Knowing that today is Sunday and is supposed to be a day of rest I have had anything but that today. I swear that I have had more physical activity today in the span of 30 minutes than I have had for the entire school year last year. (which is sad to say the least)

Anyway my day starts off at 10:15am. I wake up and get ready for church and leave for the LRT at approximately 10:45 (I sorta lost track of time). Unfortunately for me as I get to the station just as the University train was just leaving. (~noooo) So I wait for the next train to come heading in that direction and for some reason (I swear its not because I was late) it seemed like it was taking an EXTRA long time to get there. I'm supposed to be at the University Station before 11am to catch my church bus that comes and picks us poor students up.

Getting up there it was 11am and hoping against hope that the bus didn't come yet I waited...for ten minutes. Yup I had missed the bus. Dag nab it, but no worries, I took the bus to 99st and waited at the first bus stop for the 70. Waited for ten more minutes, and the bus still hadn't come. Mind you I was not familiar with the schedule for the 70 bus and so figuring that it wasn't coming anytime soon, I decided to jog to the next few bus stops in hopes of getting a shorter distance. This was also an attempt to try to get rid of my sudden development of restlessness, cause keep in mind that the service at my church starts at 11:30 and I have already wasted like 35 minutes or so getting to this one stop. Current time: Approximately 11:45am. Crap, ahh well, the first 30 minutes is singing anyhow.

I paused at the second stop that I reach since I started to "wait" for the 70 and noticed that a bus was coming. At the stop that I was at only two buses picked up there. The 81 and the 70. Balancing my odds, I have a 50% chance of getting a bus that would go all the way down 99st and because the bus coming towards me was the 81, I took my chances.

Well I never was a good gambler. It took that bus to come to the bus stop that I was at another ten stupid minutes to get there. I swear the bus driver was taking a quick cat nap at the first stop I was at..... Once I got on the bus the first left turn it reached, it turned into. All I could think was... Damn it. So three stops after the turn I finally managed to get off and I started my trek back to 99st. Jogged back and as I was waiting for the light to change I see the church bus go by from wherever it goes after it drops off us students. (Should I be panicking now?) Double damn it.

So I cross 99st and go back to continuing to my destination. I continued jogging from stop to stop pausing at each to check to see if the 70 was coming, but I doubt it. During my little detour I'm sure that I missed it... (Augh..) I remember as I was passing a restaurant, I think it was something like Denny's or something, there was a large group of people standing outside. Call me mental but it's very unnerving to have 50 some odd eyes staring at you and watching you as you jog by. Yeah, it felt awkward.. Arughhh... Anyways, I'm still jogging. It's now approximately 12:15am and still no bus, but will you believe it, I have already reached the church. (son of a...)

Ignoring the fact that I missed the entire opening of service and am 15 minutes late for the sermon I think I made pretty good time. Started this little physical exertion at 81ave and finally got to where to church was at 67ave. Joy. 14+ blocks including the detour in about 20 minutes. I feel like a whale, I'm so out of shape. Blagh. Well at least I didn't get a heart attack. Wasn't breathing too heavy either. Not too shabby for a student that hasn't done anything physical since high school.

