midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Saturday, October 22, 2005
9:15 pm

Isn't it annoying when people leave a comment that isn't really a comment?

It's like, "Hi, I just surfed on and found your blog, very nice. How about you check out this site. It's about legless, five tailed deer that have to roll around to circulate blood around it's body. Check it out for more info".

I'd rather get no comment. *sigh* it's like telemarketers. Anyone know how to block them out without blocking other more relevant comments? Oh well. I'll figure it out sooner or later. I always do. Might take some time though.

Ciao guys.


Mended and Fixed
10:34 am

All fixed peoples.

Man that was hard work.

Does the page look okay? For some reason my browser keeps showing me my old format instead of the new one, even after I've cleared the cookies, the history and temp files. So I can't really be sure. I wanted to add a new link and the preview of the html was giving me this weird thing. Hope it looks normal now. I am a genius.

Ciao again citizens of mainframe.


Technical Difficulties Peoples
8:35 am

Dang Nab it. Lousy Template. Something's screwy with this format. Gotta pick through it when I have time. Get back to this later peoples.



Monday, October 10, 2005
9:48 pm

Augh, I hate you.

Well, it's happened again. My friend asked me what was wrong with her brother's toe because it's got this bright blue pigmentation in the nail that's like a bruise but a lighter blue.

Guess what I did? I searched it up on google. I put in nail disorders and got a whole bunch of nasty things.

The first that came up was an ingrown toe nail that looked like it had seen better days but the second picture to it had nails that looked like claws and something from a fantasy created monster. There were other nail disorders too though I don't find this as interesting as other things. The worst one I found was the brown nails. These nails can be caused by nicotine, potassium permanganate, nail varnish, etc. (Another reason to stop smoking) But the one that got me was of the staining due to podophyllin. Podopohyllin (or Podophyllum) is a corrosive resin chemical usually used to treat warts. It is created from mayapple roots and rhizomes and is insoluble in water. The crude form of podophyllin is very toxic and is said to have a high mutagenicity profile. In the picture after exposure, it looks like the top of the fingertip is gone and there's this white peeling thing going on. Looks kind of like a coral reef.


The other one came at a close second for the most disturbing. This one was scarring due to a tumor. Kind of looked shredded and it looks like the nail bed is visible.


There were of course other disorders but those were the ones that disturbed the me the greatest. The pictures and some of my information came from these sites.



And in true habit, I looked up other things since I was on a roll, again. I found one nail that looked blue and I proceed to search it up under pseudomonas infection. Pseudomonas is a gram negative bacterium and prefers moist environments. It is an opportunistic pathogen and so only strikes when a person has a reduced immune system and rarely causes disease in healthy individuals. This bacterium has the ability to stick to cells, needs minimal food requirements, produces tissue damaging proteins, and is also resistant to certain antibiotics, which is scary. My search for it came up with a few images but nothing or large interest.

One really blue image I found was labelled Necrosis but when I looked it up, there wasn't much except what looked like gangrene on various body parts which is basically what it is, the death of cells or living tissue. This can be caused by many things like certain drugs, infection, cancer, etc. It was one of the characteristics of the black death.


Necrosis was the last of my searches. In the end though, I don't think I found the problem with my friend's brother's toe.


Friday, October 07, 2005
Aerosol DU
6:44 am

It's now 5 in the morning and what have I been doing for the last 4 hours? Googling up birth defects.

For the past week or so I've had the sudden urge to google random medical disorders up and so far I've searched up kertoconjuntivitis, human parasites, sexual diseases and now birth defect.

With the conjuntivitis, I was asked to search it up for my sister, though for what reason, is still unknown. The pictures that came up were slightly disgusting for from the conjunctivitis I came up with more then just plain conjunctivitis but also a wide variety or other eye diseases and abnormalities. Some of the worst included massive amounts of puss and blood with near total or total destruction of the eye.


With the human parasites, this only struck me because I was trying to figure out what else I should do. Boredom can lead to bad things I tell you. So it hit me with parasites. This topic was slightly more disturbing then the conjunctivitis. In this search the main parasitic lifeforms were the roundworms, hook worm, tapeworm, lice, tick, pinworms and the occasional liver fluke. There were a couple more I'm sure but those were far and in between. There wasn't much here that I haven't seen before but it disturbed me how Gastrointestinal tracks can be completely overcome with roundworms that there isn't even enough room for even the slightest bit of regular bowel movement. The heart worms weren't that much better as it reminded me of spaghetti or a noodle of some sort due to it's level of infestation. I'm never going to look at pasta the same way again.

I think however that the weirdest parasitic infestation was the guinea worm. Mainly found in Africa this worm that looks like a regular piece of ribbon is introduced into the body when infected water is ingested. It some how makes it's way out of the body fully grown and from the ones I've seen when it comes out of the foot or ankle, it has been tied around the ankle a couple times and then knotted so that the worm cannot move back into the body. If one were to just casually glance at this, it would look like a regular anklet. It must be odd to have a worm half in your flesh and half out tied around your foot.

Somehow, from parasites I found a page with elephantitis. Apparently this is also a result of a parasitic infestation. I always thought that elephantitis was the result of some regular clogging of odds and ends in the body. Well, nothing clogging in the body is regular but I always figured that it was from something almost like the build up of fatty deposits in and artery. But it isn't. It's caused by a threadworm. All I can say is that it looks painful but not as painful as that one picture I found with some lady with skull cancer. She had apparently gotten into a car accident and hit her head where it popped the pocket that the cancer was sort of contained in. It didn't seem like it bled much, if at all but it did have one thing. It was infested with maggots. Now how these maggots got in there I have no idea. All I know is that some parasites like the pinworm can make their way into other organs like the lungs and brain and they were making quite a cosy home in this one lady's head. It says she feels no pain. I wonder why. Destroyed nerve endings?

There was also a forum that I came across that allowed for medical photos. Here I found bundles of images of the remnants of bowel cleansing, liver flushes, gall bladder cleansing, and kidney cleansing....I didn't even know you could clean out some of those. Sounds scary. Some of these stones that come out from the kidney and such are huge. I hope they didn't pass through the regular way through the urinary track cause that's gotta hurt. The extreme severity of some gallstone formations is amazing. Just like the roundworm infestation, gallstones can completely take up your gall bladder. But I guess it makes sense cause in all cases there is a extreme.


When I searched up sexual diseases I found the regular stuff like herpes and warts. These weren't that bad I guess considering that I'm a dork and the last time I was at the U I bought a skin disease book and it showed a multitude of skin diseases and included some sexual diseases. It's quite fascinating I find, though it sometimes sends shivers up my spine. Like the warts. For some reason out of the whole book, I hated the warts the most. Especially the filiform wart and the plantars wart.

Anyways, did you know that men can also get yeast infection? All the symptoms are the same as in women except that on a man it just looks like an ulcer. Also jock itch is caused by a fungal infection signified with the tinea infection looking ring. I always thought jock itch was just when a guy had to scratch his groin vigorously because his jock strap was too tight and the hair made him itch or something. Guess I was wrong. Wow the things you learn when picking up random things.

I also looked up female yeast infection cause I heard that discharge often looked like cottage cheese. I figured that it was an exaggeration but lo and behold. It really wasn't an exaggeration. It actually does look like cottage cheese. There's also one discharge that I happened to stumble across that is frothy. Blegh. It reminded me of bubbles in chocolate milk. Now I can't look at cottage cheese and milk like a normal individual anymore. With the rate I'm going I'll lose 30 pounds in no time. Also did you know you can get yeast infection in other areas then in the genital region? Anywhere there is skin you can get it. A variant of the Candida genus can also appear in the mouth and down the esophagus. These usually appear in HIV/AIDS infected individuals, people with immunodepressive problems or are on immunosupressive drugs. The ones in the mouth are sometimes caused by a bacterial imbalance, where the bacteria that usually keeps Candida in check is lowered in number and allows the infection to develop. It looks like you just decided not to brush for a year and there's this layer of plaque developing inside your mouth. When this 'plaque' is removed raw red flesh is uncovered. All in all it's really gross. Oh from what I found, you can get warts in your mouth too.

But out of all of these searches so far, I have to honestly say, that these birth defects are the creepiest. Some of these pictures that have come up, you would only believe in a horror action movie or a video game. They make my skin crawl and I think I'm breaking out in goosebumps. For those who know me, it takes a bit to get anything out of me. These pictures honestly show the need for caution during pregnancy. Some of these defects are caused by genetic disorders, others from drug use, exposure to pesticides, as a result of the mother getting sick or exposure to radioactive materials and pollution. One of the most publicized drug related birth defects was Thalidomide, a drug prescribed as a morning sickness remedy in the 1960s. It resulted in severe limb deformities and distribution was terminated.

A genetic birth defect like Patau Syndrome, was the first defect I came across. Caused by a trisomy of the 13th chromosome. Symptoms can include cyclopia (one eye), a cleft lip, polydactyly and other abnormalities. Usually infants with this abnormality are stillborn or die early in infancy. And believe it or not but this disorder seemed mild according to abnormalities compared to others I've found. Aerosol DU (Depleted Uranium), like those in Iraq are also causing severe birth defects and other disorders in people like where the infant is born with a strange white film over its body with what looks like red fissures all over its body. I'm not sure but there may have been an email going around with pictures and a bit of info on these defects. Everytime I look at some of these they give me the shivers. It's actually quite sad though. These children will never get to experience life normally if at all.



These searchs brought up many other diseases and disorders but none of them as disturbing as the birth defects. There was also an anti abortion page listed and showed the illustrations of a partial birth abortion. Partial abortion is where the legs of the fetus are grabbed with forceps and the body is pulled out except for the head and the doctor jabs the fetus' head in and makes a hole where after he proceeds to suck of the fetus' brain out and then removes it. Wow. If you ask me that's a bit much. Brutal.

Anyways, it's now like 7:30 in the morning and I can see the sun coming up. *sweatdrop* I've spent about 2 hours typing this and it sounds more like a report or documentary than a comment. I should really go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow I'll sleep on time. Hopefully I won't find anymore disturbing disorders and diseases. But then, if I didn't, I wouldn't have learned some of the things I've learned. *sigh* I'm a loser. I need to get out more.

I swear I'm going to have nighmares when I fall asleep.

