midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Jock itch
8:15 pm

Hey hey all. I just thought I'd put down an interesting tidbit that just hit me. You know jock itch? I mean real jock itch?

It's called Tinea Cruris mainly caused by a fungus called Trichophyton rubrum. Yeah I know I mentioned it in my little essay like medical rant but here's some more info on it. It is sometimes characterized by a ringworm pattern of infection on the skin starting in the crural fold of the crotch (But it's not really caused by a ringworm so don't worry guys).

My! All us girls always thought you boys were just rude and barbaric. ohohoh. Well now it seems that you're gross, rude and barbaric. Ahahaha. no just joking, this condition can happen to women too, only it's very rare.

But seriously I thought jock itch was when you guys just scratched vigorously at your crotch because a hair went the wrong way or something. It appears that is occurs mostly in post pubertal males, usually in the summer due to sweating or in the winter after wearing too many layers of clothes and gets worst as moisture accumulates. It might improve if the moist environment is eliminated. It says that most guys affected are unaware of the infection.

So guys, if you have something that's itching and burning in the southern hemisphere there, it's probably a good idea to get it checked out. For those of you that have had Tinea Cruris before, absorbent powders, not necessarily medicated, can help to control moisture and prevent re-infection.

Tinea infections are not only limited to the crotch, like all skin diseases, it can spread to almost everywhere, where there is skin, which is basically everywhere. Another widely known Tinea infection is Tinea Pedis, commonly known as athlete's foot and I tell you it doesn't look like a walk in the park. No pun intended.


I swear this interest in the distrubing is like a disorder or something. Maybe I should think about going into something like infectious diseases or something, it can't be that much more different then immunology. Anyways, I'm off to finish typing my psychology notes now. So in the future I can screw with people's heads. Ohohoho.

Chow dudes!


Monday, November 14, 2005
9:22 pm

You know what just hit me.

Now that my laptop's hard drive has failed, I just lost 5 years of story collecting. Those of you who know me, know that I've had a hobby of collecting interesting looking stories. Though I probably won't read half of them, it still took time....

It just hit me. Especially those good stories that you can't even find anymore. I know it may sound stupid to most people but they still held sentimental value. I took time to look for those and for me it's hard to push aside.


I'm, really speechless. I don't even know if I'm upset or not. My photos. My essays.... What do I do now?



Inconcilable Differences
4:00 pm

Alright. Right now me and my Dell laptop are not seeing eye to eye.

We can't seem to get along anymore. I yell and it ignores me. I've tried everything to make it up to him for whatever I've done but, *sigh* It's being really really stubborn. I've given it flowers, cleaned the room, fixed the faucet, painted the checkered wall, that I did as a joke, back to its original color, brought him out for dinner, given him massages but still. He still isn't responding to me. He's not sick as far as I know and I've even gone as far as rearranging the furniture around. *Sigh* I don't think this relationship is going to happen anymore. D' has just.....gone his separate way.

Okay Okay, I know that was corny, but that's basically what it feels like.

After 4 years of service, I think this (hella heavy) 18.2 pound laptop has kicked the bucket. Before it was giving me those stupid kernel_data_inpage_errors on an irregular basis. I ran system checks, tool diagnostics, chkdsk /f /r, IDE diagnostics (which never really gave me an answer), system restore, and when it actually started, I tried defragmenting (I know, that had nothing to do with anything, I just had to try it) but alas. I also tried reseating the cd rom drive and the HDD. It's not talking to me anymore but telling me that my primary hard disk drive and fixed optical drive is not found. BIOS tells me that it's not installed so now what? Can't be a virus because that thing doesn't even get internet, and everything that gets transferred there gets scanned in the main desktop computer first.

*sigh* How convenient that the warranty just happened to have just expired not too long ago. Now I'm at my wits end. I feel a conniption coming on. If I didn't have high blood pressure before, I'm probably going to get it now.

I think it's because I called my laptop stupid. Now it's getting back at me.


I wanted to back up my data before trying to reinstall the OS but now it won't even log in. Not that it did before. Man. This sucks. Now all I want is the data in that hard drive. But I doubt it will now. Yesterday the laptop gave me it's first primary hard disk drive 0 failure. DAG NAB IT. I don't like the sounds of that. But I still want to try anyways. Lousy *grumbles*. Maybe it's a damaged logic card or storage media on the HDD. But I don't want to send it in. It'll probably cost more then a new HDD. Sigh. I guess I can live without my files. They're not insanely important after all. But I would still like to get the laptop to work. Tomorrow I'm going to go off in search of an IDE adapter cable and see if I can get some stuff off of that piece of junk HDD.

Watch, it's not going to work because I said that. FORGET I SAID THAT!! But seriously, research shows that I will probably not get anything out of it. *sigh* Stupid IBM hard drives, Stupid Dell, Stupid computer. Why wasn't I born a computer wiz?

This is my last line. I'm going to wait for my aunt to come down before I call Dell Tech Service. After this, if it doesn't work, my laptop will probably be nothing but an insanely heavy, large, expensive and clumsy paper weight.

