midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
3:39 am

Woop! Snow! People, maybe we will get a white Christmas this year. It was starting to get doubtful.

I mean it's more than halfway (through December) to Christmas already. Though I have to say the snowy outcome seems slightly pathetic. Not very much, I think it may just melt tomorrow.

I would shovel that stuff off willingly if only we'd have a white(r) Christmas than what we're getting now. I heard the first time we got snow this year, there were over 200 accidents in the city alone. People, when the road is wet or covered in white (even when it's not) it does not mean 'lets go faster'. *Sigh* I am ringed by fools.

I bet you guys are getting tired of me gushing over snow or moaning over the lack of. So I'll cut this short.

If you haven't noticed, I really love snow. Okay, no more talking about wishing for more snow till next year. I'll tell you guys what I do with it when (if) we get more to play with.


Saturday, December 10, 2005
Dinner Theatre
11:16 pm

Back from dinner theatre now. Okay, I was back for a while now but still. What an experience. It was cool! It was basically a simple turkey dinner (salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce), buffet style, and then dessert, with a rendition of "A Wonderful Life" for the theatre portion. Wasn't too bad. I would go again next year If there are people going along with me again.

I finally got to wear that yellow dress mama made for me. I was so surprised. The first time I tried it was after my year long break of sitting and doing nothing. It was amazing. I had gained so much weight I couldn't even zipper it up. And yesterday I decided to try it on just for the heck of it and would you believe I could actually fit into it and zip it up no problem? Holy man! How much weight did I lose? And how in the world did I lose it? I don't remember exercising. At least not while I'm conscious. Scary. What a mystery. I Got to wear my cool yellow shoes along with the yellow dress today too. Cool, I love those shoes. But I have to admit that the dress needs to be taken in at the top because even if I dislike admitting it, I really don't have much of a chest. But that's alright, It's easier to run with smaller breasts...er, yeah. Okay, Back to the dress. It needs to be taken in a bit so that it doesn't look so much like a bag.

Okay, it doesn't look like a bag but it still needs to be taken in.

Anyways, I'm going to go shower and such. Maybe I can do some push ups too (not in the shower of course). I noticed that I don't have as much muscle mass in my arms anymore. So bad. See what happens when you slack off? Got to work on those thighs too. Man, I'm out of shape. What happened to me? Too much of the slow life. I need to get out more.


White Christmas
1:15 am

Noooooo......all the snow is gone!

We only had it for like....2 days! This is abnormal for Albertan Winters...

Okay not too abnormal, but not common. Does that mean that we're not going to have a white christmas?!?!? That's blasphemy! We've always had a white christmas! (from where I come from at least) Ahhh, it's so sad! I'm going to miss it. No wonder when I woke up I figured that it was too warm. I guess I should have seen it coming. It was warm yesterday when I went out too. The snow was already beginning to melt then. Now it's all gone. *sigh* Well. At least Vancouver has snow....or that's what I hear.

So I guess there will be a sort of white christmas, for me anyway. Hope it doesn't melt. I know many people don't like snow but personally, it's not the same without it. But it's only my view

It's now somewhere like 3 in the morning and I have a dinner theatre that I'm going to at 6 today, but I'm meeting my friend at 3:15 pm so she can get ready and we can go together. *sigh* Seems like a long time to get ready. It's semi-formal. I wonder what I should wear. I don't really have anything that is semi-formal. Everything I have is basically a sweater or jean like.

I've never been to a dinner theatre before. This particular one is held by my church. Usually, there is one every year. Out of all the years that I've been here, this will be the first I've gone to. I hope it'll be interesting.


Monday, December 05, 2005
Late Night Wonderings
5:22 am

Yay! I love snow.

I know there are many, MANY people that do not share my sentiments but I love snow either way. And the good thing is that it is not the small; hit you in the eyes snow. It is the big, fluffy, inhale it and it feels like a cotton ball down your throat snow.

Everything is all misty with it that it looks almost surreal. I could stare at it for hours. It makes everything so clean and fresh. Blankets the city in white. I was worried that we would not get snow for Christmas. It took so long in getting here. Usually we get snow in the end of September or at the latest, the end of October, but it did not come till the end of November. It is still kind of worrisome though. Why was it so late? Was it partly due to all those large storms happening around the world? Or is it global warming? It is probably a part of both.

Sometimes I hate humans, though it may sound strange. We are so ignorant, caring only for ourselves. We kill each other with biological, chemical, psychological and mechanical weapons with little thought for the earth and others affected. Though psychological aspects are primarily human oriented. Our world is slowly dying, and no one seems to really care. As it seems, no real actions will be executed till it is probably too late.

Many species are now extinct, many more on the endangered list, and forests, habitats, and ecosystems are being destroyed everyday. If I were God, I would probably cry.

We are all connected. Hurt one, no matter how insignificant it seems and you hurt the rest. The problems may not appear immediately but eventually they will appear. This seems to be one of the things that people do not understand or care to understand. Every little bit counts because they all add up in the big picture.

It is like hair. Lose one or two and it does not seem like a big deal. But as more fall out and less grows back in, 3 hairs a day, add up to 21 hairs a week to 84 hairs a month to 1,008 a year. How much hair can you lose before you become bald? It is the same with the Earth and its resources. Eventually things will start to run out and then we will really be screwed.

Someday, because of our stupidity there may not be any more snow. No more sparrows and robins in the sky, no more seals, penguins or whales in the waters and no more tigers, bears and gazelles on the land. With the rate we are going, it would seem that trees in the future, will be in short supply also. Honestly, if that where to ever happen, I hope it will be after my lifetime, as selfish as that may be. What is currently happening is already breaking my heart. Not only because of what is happening to the environment but also because of how we cannot seem to help one another.

Millions are starving and even in this "civilized" day and age there is still barbaric fighting. People may like to think that we are above those from the past and are no longer like our ancestors of cavemen and such but we truly are not much different. Sure our brain mass is larger, level of technology is higher and we now have new ways of doing age-old jobs and such but in truth we still fight like barbarians. Only now our weapons have farther range, our projectiles, faster and with more force, and the destruction inflicted, of greater magnitude with longer lasting effects that will span for centuries and generations.

It is sad really. How in the end we are probably going to be our own destruction. I would not blame god if he wiped out the human race again but yet he has not. So there must still be SOME good in the world still left, that he does not have the need to restart what he created. With God's accepting and forgiving nature, the day that he feels he has to purge his works like stories of old, will be a sad day indeed because then it means that even he found us hopeless and unworthy to live. But then that seems like an oxymoron wouldn't it?

The merciful god bringing down his hand to destroy all, but in the end, it will probably be a mercy. Instead of having us die slowly with our own hatred and being our own poison. Killing our own kin.

He promised never to flood the world again, the rainbow is a testament to this oath but what is stopping him from burning it? Purify the world with fire? Freezing it? Melting it? Crushing it? At least we can rule out flooding I guess. It seems like the end is near, what with all these natural disasters happening so close to each other and in such large forces. Seems like a hint. Though no one on earth can be sure.

Funny how a bit of snow can get you thinking. But then again, my mind wanders quite a bit. Particularly when I am alone or when I am trying to procrastinate. Bad I know. Still, despite everything, all these thoughts began with snow.

I still cannot really express how much I love snow. I know it is cold and when it starts to melt it turns into slush or becomes ice when it gets trampled, makes your socks wet if you get it in your shoe and causes avalanches. But still, winter is my favourite season. I do not think I would be able to bear without seeing snow at least once a year. I guess it may be because I grew up with it being here almost 9 months a year.

If any of you come from a small town you may realize what I speak of but in any case, I wish I were back in my hometown. Though our winters were extremely chilled temperature wise, it still seemed nicer then the warmer but windier weather where I am now.

The city is fairly small compared to where I am now. There were fewer streetlights reflecting off the snow. We were up North and because of the cold crisp weather, we had clear dark skies the allowed for all the stars to be visible. On nights where the moon was bright and the snow untouched, you would be able to see thousands upon thousands of gems, glittering up from the snow. It looked almost like grounded stars with the medium blue tones of tree shadows playing over them. It is truly a sight to behold.

I remember sitting in my room when everyone was fast asleep, just watching the scene. No matter how many times I see it, it still takes my breath away and I miss it dearly. If I could, I would stay there purely for the snow. We also had the aurora borealis, where I came from. The large cities can never outdo this.

Many people leave the town because there really isn’t much there aside from the oilsands. I had to leave for school, but what I would not do to be back there every night in the winter, to watch my wonderland. I used to wish I could fly during these times. Fly so that I could see the horizon unobstructed by the roof of my house. Wings if you would, it would have been and still is, my greatest wish.

If I die and I have to stay as a ghost on this earth for one reason or another, I would pray for god to have me situated there so that I may watch the moon and snow at night. But then again, if I were a ghost, I am probably being punished for one thing or another. Otherwise, why am I stuck on earth?

I must sound really odd now. I usually am not like this, I don’t think. Not so nostalgic or mushy anyway. I Am mushy aren’t I? Maybe I am looking too much into things, spend too much time watching and thinking. But I appreciate it. I think that’s what counts. I just hope whoever reads this gets what I am trying to describe. You cannot really explain something so wonderful. I wish I were back there again. Maybe one day I can return. But until then, I will take whatever I can get.

Even if they are just memories.


Friday, December 02, 2005
Flashing Ducks
4:06 am

Coooll....This duck is so bright.

On Monday I went to the dollar store with my buddy and looked around mainly for ideas and stuff for her project. I ended up buying a flashing duck, some weather striping and a flashing light stick, which I was going to wrap up for the secret santa type thing for Alpha this week. But I ended up not going to the Alpha pot luck because I had a sore throat....not to mention that I didn't want to go. (so bad)

Anyways. The duck is supposed to glow when you have a complete circuit in the water, you're supposed to be able to also press it and turn it on but no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to work. However finally, after three days, when I started to think that it was busted....Lo and behold....it starts flashing. Wow. You wouldn't believe how excited I was....Man I'm a dork. Anyways. Now it's sitting merrily on my desk here as I type, flashing three different colors at me...Awesome. I think I popped a hole in it with all the times I pressed it to try and get it to work. Actually, I think it's working cause I got water inside the duck. I reckon that I might get one of these for my cousin for christmas. Excellent. One person done...another three dozen to go.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to turn this thing off.

