midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
10:08 pm

What a great start to the new year.

Hello all, I am officially sick. I have a slight fever, a cough, this pulsing behind my eyes, and this nauseating feeling. Augh. What a horrible week.

I have a psych midterm tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll do very good, I feel like I'm only 20% there. Wish me luck.

I feel really really gross.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006
4:37 am

You know what I just realized? I don't have a single picture of me that is up to date. All the pictures that my family has are of my younger years and it's like I fell off the face of the planet after grade 8.

My sister is slightly better because at special functions, I tend to go crazy with pictures. However she has very, very few baby pictures. Most of those baby pictures are of me. It's kind of sad. We don't really have anything to look at too see how much we've changed. I mean we know that we change, but you know, it's more fun if you can actually see the difference even if it's only on the outside. Kind of like 'I can't believe you had that afro', or 'Yeah, I only went skinny dipping cause it was a double dog dare.' (though I've never had or done any of those.)

Maybe I should make it my new years resolution to take more pictures. (yes I know new years was about a month ago.....Chinese New Years then.) But that means I have to go and buy a camera. I don't really have a camera. Maybe after something which I can't mention here in case she happens to read it, I can get one. (...I think I gave it away already....if you really look into the message). n_n;

It's alright. I don't think she reads this on a regular basis anyway...

Speaking of basis...dag nab it...I have to finish my math homework, which I should know from high school but can't remember and my new teacher just makes it more confusing than it should be. He short forms everything with symbols that by the time we finish writing, my notes look like they're in a foreign language....seriously, no exaggeration.

*sigh* so chow people. I'm off to finish this. I hope I get it eventually. Or at least find my high school notes for this.


Monday, January 23, 2006
9:09 pm

Yup, sooo....

I didn't get to vote. Totally disappointed me. Yup, sucks. Aughhh. I realized that Edmonton Centre was our area not the polling station...stupid yeah, I know I'm slow but I blame it on school frying my brains.

So in the end I still didn't find out where the hell my polling station was (or any of the others for that matter, not that it makes a difference now). They tell us to call that help number if we have questions, but why call when they don't even answer the question you ask? I don't think "where is my polling station?" is an out of topic or too much of a taboo question. More hassle then it's worth. Aughh. I am still kind of pissed off right now. The least they could do was give me a frigging polling station. It wasn't like I was asking if I could get the password to the Elections Canada website. Augh.

It looks like Conservatives are going to win this. Actually I think they finished counting already. *sigh* I guess we'll see how they'll do. They've made a lot of promises and because of that, forgive me if I'm skeptic (not that it's different for any other group).

*sigh* Anyways, I'll forget this now. Can't really do anything but see where everything goes. I just hope they don't screw up Canada too much.


12:03 am

Holy Bejeezes.

I just read the first chapter of a new Kenshin fic by Ravyn and it just blew my mind. I haven't found a story that made me this excited in a long while. (And when I say excited I mean anxious for a new chapter for all you gutterheads out there)

So far the story is about Kenshin being married off to Tomoe who is the princess of this one land. Only to have Kaoru....wait....should I tell you this? Aiyee! It is so good (even if what I just wrote sounds really corny and cheap and cliche, it really isn't. Either that or it's just really well done that you don't notice it). Or at least I think it's good anyway. Such a talented writer. It says she's 20 in her profile. I wish I could write that good. *sigh* Kudos to you Ravyn. You're good man.

Don't mind me. I'm just a loser Kenshin fan that's still into Kenshin even though it's been over for something like 11 years.... or something. n_n;


Stop looking at me like that. I swear I act my age (some of the time) and I am not always this big a dork (sort of). Anyways, check it out even if you're not a fan. It just may make you one.

Little One ~ By Ravyn

Oh and if you do go look into the series. Don't even bother with the anime episodes. I can tell you now that they suck (mostly fillers anyway *gack*....) Go for the manga and the Tsuioku Hen movie (Aka first OVA). But in the end it's really all up to you.

~Ciao guys.


Monday, January 16, 2006
Election Frustration
5:59 pm

You know why there are bad turn outs on election days? It's because people that WANT to vote can't seem to get an answer to where there even is a polling station.

Since I moved out here, I never received any of my voting cards or even that little thing that tells you that if you didn't get this card, call elections Canada, till this year.

You can call all you want, but you know what? They don't help you worth squat. We (mom and I) called the toll free 1-800 number, then we were told to call someone else, then that someone else told us to call that 1-800 number again, then they told us to call someone else who then told us that we have to go to Westmount to register. Holy crap man. The deadline is tomorrow and with classes the whole day till about 3:30 I am not making a trip over there. It may seem stupid, but I'm already quite frustrated (yes I know I'm impatient).

So I'm just going to show up on election day at city centre with my photo id and a letter (I heard people did that but the person on the phone person told us no) and if they don't let me vote, well....then I hope that Stephen Harper doesn't become prime minister (lying, lousy, wishy washy, ship jumping *grumbles*). Cause I personally don't like how in order to fund their promises, they'll have to cut many things and such. Not that, it won't happen in any case. And what's with that thing saying that they'll make Saskatchewan red, white and blue. What the bejeezes man? I don't want Canada to be anymore American than it already is. They're taking over the country's best business', resources and our country's free will, augh like leeches or something. (okay, over-exaggeration on the leeches part, they're more like lamprey). They're trying to take over the world as it is. How about getting rid of your weapons of mass destruction before telling others to do otherwise.

Anyways, back with Stephen Harper, I just don't like how he doesn't seem to really be into what he's proposing. Sort of indifferent you know? I swear he has no facial expression. He may widen his eyes a bit but other than moving his mouth to blow out hot air, his face doesn't really change. It's kind of creepy...

*sigh* they're all corrupt. When they blame one for being corrupt, it's like the 'pot calling the kettle black'. Aiya. Anyways, there's my rant for today. Please don't hurt me for my opinions. They are only that....my opinions. And for the note, I don't have anything against anyone in the U.S. Just keep an open mind, how would you feel if one country was slowly buying out all your best businesses and telling you what you can develop or not? Not to mention the whole deal with free trade and what's happening with that situation isn't entirely fair or upholding with the initial contract. Anyways, I won't get started on that otherwise this entry will be just like a social essay.



Sunday, January 15, 2006
College Kids
2:57 am

Someone please save us, us college kids!
What my parents told me, is what I did.
They said, go to school and be a college kid,
but, in the end I question why I did.

I'm poor, I'm starving, I'm flat broke, I've got no cash to spend.
Sell all my books for front row tickets to Dave Matthews Band.
My girlfriend's at another school, I know this year will test her.
I called, found out she had three other boyfriends last semester.

And that's why I say

Oh no! Not for me, not for me,
call it torture, call it university.
No! Arts and crafts is all I need,
I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

80 grand later I found out that all that I had learned,
is that you should show up to take your finals and your midterms.
The party scene is kinda mean, I think it's sick and twisted.
The navy showed up at my dorm and claimed that I enlisted.

And that's why I say,

Oh no! Not for me, not for me,
call it torture, call it university.
No! Arts and crafts is all I need,
I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

Don't get excited, she'll say "no" without a doubt you see.
And I've decided college girls just won't go out with me.
They make me nervous and they always catch me off my guard,
like cell phone services, I drop out cause college is too hard.

It's time to call my father,
cause it's his alma mater.
Good grades aren't what they seem,
I think he knows the dean.

It's time to call my father,
cause it's his alma mater.
He says he's proud of me,
but college always was his dream,
and I would always say it's not for me.

Oh no! Not for me, not for me,
call it torture, call it university.
No! Arts and crafts is all I need,
I'll take calligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

Someone please save us, us college kids!
What my parents told me, is what I did.
They said, go to school and be a college kid,
but, in the end I question why I did.

(phi, beta, delta, cappa
Someone please save us, us college kids!
What my parents told me is what I did.
They said go to school and be a college kid,
but, in the end I question why I did.)

Do what will make you happy.
Do what you feel is right.
Only but one thing matters,
learn how to live your life.

Do what will make God happy.
Do what you feel is right.
Only but one thing matters,
learn how to live your life.

Relient K ~ "College Kids"



Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The New Year
5:10 am

Happy New Year People!!

Yes I know that it's like, two weeks after the actual new year but I just realized that I haven't written in this thing for a while.

Well, I'm now enrolled formally as a full time student. So now I have to go to lectures and try not to fall asleep in them (Because now I can't get away with it because the classes are so small). *sigh* Did I ever mention that I hate lectures? I'd rather stay at home and study it on my spare time. Much easier if you ask me.

I missed my first class of the year on Monday. So bad, what a great start to the new semester. But I have to say that it was not my fault. Instead of going to the one I was supposed to, I went to two other lectures that I didn't need. I thought something was weird. I had already done those two courses already and passed them but I didn't really think much about it cause I thought they put me in again because my mark sucked. (I felt sad when I saw my schedule) :(

But yeah, I wasn't supposed to be in those two classes so now I have a new schedule with basically everything new (except for my econ class..Still taking that one) The first advisor I went to was new they told me so she's forgiven. (Unless they say that every time they mess up anyways to save their behinds) I ended up only missing one class on Monday and they probably just gave out the syllabus so I think it's alright. But now I have to return the lab manuals from my last schedule.

I'm thinking about selling some of my books too. I have like three Econ books for each class that I took. Argh. I don't think I need that many...Wait, where is my econ text now anyway? I have the one from my last course, and this new course but I can't find my micro-econ one. Heck I can't even remember how it looks like..What the begeezes man. I'm losing my mind. (I'll let you know when I find it again) *sigh* I could probably sell a psych book too. I should have taken Corinna up on the offer when she asked me if I wanted to sell back that book. Doh! >.<

I'm taking this math course too, I really wish I didn't have to but its required for my major. Augh. I thought I knew the material but my new instructor is just making me plain confused. Not to mention he has this thick German/Russian/Ukrainian or whatever accent. And there are assignments. Holy man are there a lot of assignments. Maybe I should just dig up my old high school notes on the subject. (It's a linear algebra course by the way) It'd probably be easier if I had my old notes. There are a lot of books for this course too. Usually courses only have like, a text, maybe a lab manual and a student guide or solutions manual but this one has like 6 different books in a package. Now I know I don't have to get the whole shi-bang but I think it's usually a good idea to.

So this semester I have fours courses, not too bad I guess, but I still wish I could stay at home instead of go to lectures. Too much hassle I say. I only have one class today at 12 and it's that psych course I missed on Monday. I hope the prof is good and that we don't have to have those lab tests or whatever they're called. I don't want to be poked and prodded. Anyways, enough of school. It's making me stressed.

So, not much white stuff this year for Christmas. *sigh* that'll be bad for the farmers. I hope we don't have another drought. Those poor guys don't get paid enough for how hard they work as it is. Good Luck you guys.

Chinese New Year is just around the corner now. I still don't get how people figure out what day Chinese New Year falls on (maybe I'll search it up later) but it's supposedly on the 29th of January this year. The year of the Rooster is coming to an end and I hope you've had a good year. Welcome the year of the Dog when it gets here just like you welcomed 2006. (Just don't drink and drive, if you do your a frugging idiot. Stop wasting tax payer's money buying you body bags,they're not cheap and stop bringing innocent people with you when you go) We've got a Chinese New Year party coming up but I just don't really know when. Maybe I should find out soon.

Anyway, I should at least get a couple more hours of shut eye (god knows I need it to get rid of the shadows under my eyes). I actually went to bed at 7 for some reason. I was just tired I guess. Woke up at 2 am again. I find I always do that when I sleep before that time. I don't know why, probably habit or something. So I think I'll try and sleep some more. I need energy to write messy notes anyway. Damn lectures. My sister is already up getting ready for her morning class. So I know it's getting late (or early, whichever you want it to be).

So later peoples. Have a Nice a day.

