midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Old Maid
10:18 pm

Oh little sister of mine.

Many years ago you came into this world and ever since, you have been there to cause me grief and turn my hair white early. It was like, the world brought you here just to spite me. Why.....Why?...what did I do at such a young age that would require someone up there to find it adequate to give me high blood pressure? But other than giving me stress and making me albino, we have had some great times together have we not? Especially the three of us cheeky kids.

I remember the trouble we used to always get into together and the stupid air-brained situations we would think up. Ohohoho, I can think of many idiot plots but I won't list any down right now.

So now you are legally legal. Ohoho, don't be too quick to grow up now. Even though you are considered an adult, you are still young. Don't buckle in society's pressure. Think responsibly and use your discretions, you are an intelligent individual. If you know something is a stupid idea, don't do it. Don't make me sic the chickens on you.

So how does it feel to be a whole year older? If you want some pointers, me and the shrimp are always here to help. Now it's time to find a boyfriend, ohohohoh. I know you have lines of suitors just waiting for you. Me and the shrimp will be conducting interro-*ahem* I mean interviews on your behalf. Oh wait, you already have a boyfriend. Hey...where is Beaglesfried? I say he's the man for you. He'll never argue back unless you let him, won't bother you and won't leave the toilet seat up. Ohohoh.

Anyways, it is the last hour or so of reading week. School begins again tomorrow. So, pain-in-my-butt and dent-in-my wallet, have a good day and know your family is always behind you even if we don't show it all the time.

Happy 18th birthday mei mei.


Sunday, February 19, 2006
Reading Week
3:14 am

Yay! It's reading week! I'm so happy.

After my last mid-term no matter how bad I think I may have done, it still feels so good to have finished them all. I'm also over my cold. Bonus. Now I don't know what I'm going to do during the week. I think I'm going to have to retype my notes. Blerg.

Today I had a day out with my sister, the first one in a long while. We basically just walked down Whyte Ave and went into a couple stores. Lush was a main one. Whenever I walk in that store all the smells seem to hit you like a brick wall, I swear. It's kind of unpleasant at first, and when you go around smelling things, everything goes up your nose. However, some of their stuff is really nice if you ignore the initial bombardment of scents.

After that we walked a bit more and stopped by at head case. Funny how when we went in there was like no one there, then after we enter, hordes of people come in. We stayed there pretty long. Trying on all of the hats. I think three waves of people came and left before we finally each bought a hat. I got one of those hats that I've been eyeing for a while. Those fisher style hats or something. Initially I wanted one but didn't want to get it because I remembered that my friend's cousin got one not too long ago (I think) but I ended up getting one anyway. It's cool, it has ear flaps for those nippy days. My sister got something like a tan coloured bucket hat. It looks pretty good on her. My mom likes hers better I think.

After that, we didn't really do much. Those were basically our two big stops where we bought something for more than a dollar or so. Didn't really stop anywhere else. Cause me and my sister aren't really clothing shoppers. It was nice. Some bonding time with Ling. That dork.

The best part I think was when we were walking back to catch the bus. It started snowing. Big lovely fat flakes that if you breathe with your mouth you would 'inhale-and-choke-on-one' flakes (I swear I didn't do that...) It was perfect. It wasn't windy and it wasn't too cold. We got to test out our new hats and being the weirdos we are, we bought ice cream and a slushie...in the winter, I blame it on being an Albertan.

I've now started another, yes another blog. This one I will use to write about my dreams. You know...dreams, like rapid eye movement kind of dreams. Kind of like copy down what I can remember from them in as much detail as I can. Maybe try and explain them too. I don't know, we'll see.

So technically this is the first day of reading week, well yesterday I guess since it was Saturday and the first day off after Friday, even though it was still part of last week. Or something, okay ignore all that, it's starting to hurt my brain.

My friend left for New York and will be there for 10 days. Bummer, I wish I could have gone, but that's all right. She left at 7 on Friday morning and before then, I was starting the get really antsy for some reason and I kept reminding her about things that if she could, she probably would have hit me. I felt sort of nervous even though I really have no reason to be nervous. I think it's because New York is a dangerous place, not that anywhere else is any different. *sigh* Iris you dork.

I hope she has fun. Don't forget to get me a spoon. When you get back you have to tell me all about your trip and how your roommate was. Ohohoh. Hey you guys have all C's for your initials (ignoring your middle names). Hahaha cool. I'm going to be so bored but hey! I get to go to see Relient K! Excellent.

Hey Double C, take lots of pictures, and stay away from dark alleyways. I'll see you when you get back. You know I worry about you, we've basically always gone everywhere together.

But anyways, take care, and stay safe. Ciao Babe.


Thursday, February 02, 2006
3:05 pm

Man, I haven't had a cold like this in about 2 or 3 years.

I am still sick but now that I'm doped up on cold Tylenol I don't feel it so much. I really don't trust this Tylenol cause I've heard things about it. Mainly because of it's dosage. The one we have is extra strong and so contains 500mg of medicine in each tablet. Sounds like a lot, I can just imagine the affect it will have on my kidneys. My poor kidneys...oh and liver.

However, even with the medicine I still have this nasty cough. Though it's not as bad as that one cough I had when I was in high school that lasted for something like a year (I swear).

So far I've been coughing so hard that I'm positive, it could be my exercise. When I cough I tend to tense up my stomach and because of that I swear I'm getting abs from it. I don't know if that's good or not because right now I still don't really have an appetite and the only thing I've been pushing down is rice porridge. Blegh.

I hope I get better soon, aside from the fact I feel miserable, midterms are coming up and I really need to study.

