midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Morning After
4:28 am

So tonight I'm home again. I spent the whole day unexpectedly entertaining my 5 year old second cousin after previously staying up till 3am the previous..er, same morning (did that make sense?) I find that I am really bad at playing dolls. I can't make up scenarios and I get bored of it fairly fast. So I finally dug out my ancient gameboy color and assorted games for the little pipsqueak to play with. It still works amazingly, though 'note to self: clean the speaker' the sound quality was horrendous. Augh. I thought it was the batteries running low but even with a new set of batteries, it sucked.

For the first time, I searched for games on ebay for the GBC and the listing details are confusing me. I know that new consoles can play a previous console's games but when they list down, Gameboy/GBC/GBA/...etc I start wondering if it will work on color because I don't know which console to go by. Augh. I guess I'll have to resort to using gamespot.com as a reference.

I remember getting the GBC. It was sad because after we got it, a new console came out and so all development of new games for the GBC were stopped. Augh. Of all the luck. Oh well. Ebay is still good, though at the time I don't think there was such a thing as ebay. I really want Harvest Moon for the GBC though. Maybe I'll start collecting more games for the GBC....great another category to spend my limited amount of cash on. I already finished my set budget for this month so I'll have to wait for next month. I'm trying to pace my spending.

Anyways, right now we're being issued a snow storm warning to our area. From what I hear we're supposed to get something like 10 cm of snow. For some reason that doesn't seem like much to me. Maybe I heard wrong and it's supposed to be 10 inches. Now that sounds like a lot. Nothing yet. Maybe later.

It sounds like that other storm we got when we received a season's worth of snow in a day. Woo, packing it on us. If we do get that much drive slowly guys. Actually you should be driving slowly for the weather we've been having anyway (cold + then warm + then cold again = slippery). If you get into a serious accident it'll be harder for emergency services to get to you because of the snow. So that means you probably shouldn't be going at 100 in a 60km/h zone. Heck, if there's that much snow, don't even do 60. Having a 4x4 truck does not make you invisible and immune to black ice. Use your heads.

Aside from that, I can't really think of anything I'd like to address or talk about. Besides, I really need to sleep. I can see the sky turning purple (so bad...). The sun is going to be up soon and I'm supposed to head out to WEM with double C this morning. Alright time to go.

Hoy, I think I might possibly die from lack of sleep.


Saturday, March 25, 2006
I Saw Sun.
1:24 am

Yay! The week is over and my psych class was cancelled today so I didn't have a quiz. Bonus!

I finally went out of the house today. My cave was overwhelming me. I got Tim Hortons with Flex and now my craving is satisfied and I can honestly say that I suck at coffee meetings, I won a free coffee though. I wish it was something bigger. Speaking of Tim Hortons, there's this dispute on the news where some teacher threw away a cup and a little girl found it and tried to roll up the rim but couldn't so she asked her friend to help her only to find out that it was a winning cup. A car actually. Now there is a three way battle for the cup once the teacher stepped up for the cup again. Sheesh.

Personally I think the girl that found the cup should get it cause she found the cup. The teacher lost all ownership once he or she decided to discard the cup (why do you think police investigators can confiscate items from a person's trash without a search warrant?) The other little girl should not get it because the original girl only asked for her help in opening it. She didn't give it to the girl for her to keep. It is like asking someone to help you open your pop. Once it's open it doesn't make it theirs does it? It would still be your pop. I think it still applies here. Really, a car is not something worth going to court over and creating hostilities between companion families. I understand that they felt that she assisted and therefore should be entitled to a part of the prize but seriously, this is just really petty. Don't cause grief over something so trivial.

Anyways, me and CC went to the 'greatest indoor show on earth' and had a mozza burger, a poutine and a root beer, then went and got the malt teaser cake thing at Death by Chocolate on Whyte. Man was it good. This all happened in the span of something like 4-5 hours. I ate like a hippo. Hoi.

We met TT tonight after me and double C left death by chocolate. She ran out and basically grabbed our butts in the middle of the street. Ohohoh, ooo I never knew you felt that way about us. We spent a while talking (not on the street) and met her boyfriend and some of his friends at Second Cup where they were hanging out when TT saw us. I think the people working there were giving us the evil eye cause me and C didn't buy anything. TT's boyfriend and his friends seem nice, but I really can't say because I don't really know them.

Someone screamed out my name tonight when me and double C were waiting to cross the street on Whyte Ave. Well, at least I think he/she (I couldn't really tell) called my name. It was either that or they were calling 'hey chris' or something which is a high probability.

Oh hey! Someone I know has an admirer. Ohohoho, but due to my protective nature this admirer needs to be interro-I mean...interviewed. The person involved knows who I'm talking about. Tell this chump that he needs to hand in his resume, a list of accomplishments, copy of his medical history, a police criminal background check, a detailed description of his intentions and future aspirations, a urine sample, spend a day with my second cousin on a temper tantrum, pass a physical and mental fitness test and if he completes all this, has to schedule an appointment with me. I have some questions to ask....ohohoh. Come prepared. I'll make your life miserable.

Naw, I'm just kidding, you don't need the the urine sample, you need a blood sample. For genetic tests of course. Ohohoho. He's starting the chase man, fight back good shrimp.

I feel so out of it right now, but I have to say I had fun today. I've been feeling like I'm losing touch with everyone I know lately (no it's not schizophrenia). It's kind of sad. But right now I feel like I'm going to pass out. I am content right now. Got to sleep.....



Monday, March 13, 2006
Soap's Up!
2:04 am

Arrrgghh, frigging bejeezes! I lost the soap down the drain. It was a new slice too. *grumbles*

I assume no one knows what I'm talking about. Well, me and my sister are lush fans and my sister got me this one soap that I've been eyeing for a while, but never got because it's kind of pricey. It's called 'honey I washed the kids' and it smells really really good. Like candy actually. Well, I finally blew off the dust after I kind of forgot about it for something like 4 months. (Hehehe, oops my bad. )

Anyways, I didn't want to use the whole thing at once because first of all we had no extra soap holder to put it in and it melts away pretty fast if you leave it in the bathroom due to its...I don't know, ingredients. So usually I cut a piece off, probably about 7cm x 1.5cm x 1.5cm. It sort of looks like a stick now but it lasts something like two and a half weeks per piece this way.

Basically I just finished soaping up my face and then I dropped it. I quickly rinsed my face and looked down to find it, but alas, I see the stupid thing go down the hole. How the hell....I don't know how in the world it did that, the angle of that drain is pretty perpendicular if you ask me. *sigh* Oh woe is me. Expensive little bugger, that little piece in itself was probably like, 3 bucks already. Sucks.

I've been wanting to get a strainer for the drain in the tub, but I've never really remembered, the few times I went shopping. I know it's my fault but it doesn't make me any less annoyed and frustrated. Gar, it was a new piece. Blah. I should have just opened my eyes, pain be damned and intercept it. I'll get over it. *sigh* Oh well.

Man, what a dumb topic to talk about. I haven't written anything here in about two weeks and the thing I talk about is soap. Well I guess it's better than nothing. Not much really happened as far as I remember. Maybe something will come to me later.

The only thing I have going is that I'll be attending a cool, snazzy, fake, high class fashion show fundraiser for AIDS. Ohohohoh, we get to dress up and watch a fashion show (obviously), drink-high class sparkling apple juice out of our fancy plastic champagne glasses, and look at auctions. I think there's also a speaker too. There's probably something else, but I can't quite remember right now. 10 bucks for students. Bonus. One of my friends is helping to organize it, not to mention it's for a good cause and it sounds like fun. And right after my chem mid-term too. I need a break.

There's also something of an Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter's Ball thing happening the day after the fundraiser too. The only thing is that I don't think I want to go to that. It was listed in the See Paper, I think. Basically it's just a costume party with door prizes and the adults can drink alcohol. A regular party it seems, only kids are allowed here too. I don't feel so keen on it. I was never really too interested in things like that. I mean with the alcohol. Not to mention the last party I went to, I didn't really have too good a time. Though that was partly my fault.

This said party was a Chinese New Years Banquet. Basically, after a while of feeling left out (some 3 hours it seems with no one really talking to me), I started to get tired and thus, moody. It was probably cause there were too many people there and on top of that I was just getting over that cold I had not too long ago. I was still coughing a bit then.

After the initial 4 hours, I didn't really feel like talking anymore even when someone did speak to me. One of the people I knew there asked me if I wanted a ride back home, but I didn't want to leave my sister. I feel kind of responsible of her. Not to mention the party was in the Chinatown area. Not really the best place. Call me over-protective but I stayed, if only for her, she tends to not be too aware of her surroundings, I find. Bad bad, I think Mei Mei felt a bit left out too, seeing as her two friends were basically only talking between themselves and some random other people that they happened to know which was also at the party.

Pretty sad once I think about it, my sister's friends were Caucasians and they knew more Asians than me and my sister put together. How pathetic is that? But I think my sister interacted with them more than I did with anyone during the whole...what was it...6 hours at the party , not to mention the two people that I would talk to more regularly than my sister's friends (which I know, but don't really know....does that make sense?) were sitting across the table from me, not very good for conversations. I find it takes a long time for me to really consider someone a friend so it's kind of hard to talk to people other than people I've known closely for a long time. No offence to my sister's friends hopefully, I'd probably really only talk to TT if I had to talk to only on of ling's friends cause I've known her longer. In the end, I'm not much of a partier.

I don't blame that one party. I've been to a few and each time I find them lacking. It's just not for me. Man, am I self-absorbed? I feel like it. Stop focusing on yourself Iris. Augh. Selfish. I felt bad too after a while because I think I was ruining the evening for everyone else.

Me and Chow each won a door prize though! She got a puzzle of the world and I got.....Buddah....*sweatdrop*...what the...I ended up giving it away to one of the guys we knew there that had initially invited us all to attend to this banquet. I don't believe in those things and it was kind of ugly. It scared me in some small form. It was funny when my sister's friend got roped into dancing with this one guy, that was practically grinding her. She looked very uncomfortable, we tried to give her a way out by saying that her 'phone' (Chow's phone actually) was ringing. She told us it wasn't her phone. *sigh* Well we tried.

But yeah, I think I sort of destroyed the night for everyone else. I don't think I'll attend another one or those again. The food, alright for 20 bucks, would probably be all that I'd go for. I was pretty anxious to leave. I'm sorry guys, I wasn't too happy that day.

Augghhh, happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Snow! Okay that didn't work. There's only slush outside and people seem to think, 'hey, there's tons of snow or whatever, that means drive faster!' In the last week alone there have been like....geez 8,9,10 or something car crashes a day. Many fatalities. Don't blame it ALL on the weather people. Blah.

Alright, breathe, breathe......I am now calm....zennnn....


Wednesday, March 01, 2006
4:30 am

Yay! It's snow! And lots of it.

Holy man.

So far it has been dropping it since after I got back from school. That would be about 4pm when it started, now it is almost 5am and it is still snowing. What a snowstorm. Lovely snowflakes. Ohohoh. I wanted snow and now I'm getting it. Too bad we didn't get it before Christmas but right now I'm content. It's not too cold and there is not much wind, only a heck of a lot of the white stuff. I wonder if it will still be snowing when I wake up for my lab, what about after my lab? I can see that the amount is going to cause some problems. There is like a good 15 cm out there.

Why am I still up? Well one reason was that I was reading over some things for my lab, the second reason is that I had like a 4 hour nap in the afternoon (okay I know that's not a nap), and the third is that I like the quiet when everyone is asleep, and plus it's snowing!

I'm such a kid. It's not snowing as much as it was, almost seemed like white out conditions before, but now it's clearing up. Still pouring it down though. I guess it's trying to make up for all the time it's lost. Dump a winter's worth our way. Well, it'll help the farmers, that's for sure.

I'm so happy right now. Snow conditions like this always do. I guess I'm just a wintery person. I love the season and I guess that's a good thing since we have it around for something like 8 months (no kidding).

Anyways, I better sign off. It's now past 5 and I have to be up in something like 2 hours. Bad I know, but I'm really not tired right now. I'll try and sleep, I guess. I have a quiz in my lab today too. Gah. And I can't seem to find my calculator. Ah well. All is well because we have snow!

~snow!~ XD

