midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Moving Castles and Oversized Thugs
1:56 am

Holy Baloney,

Me and my sister just watched Howl's Moving Castle. Goodness! It blew me away. I am now a huge HUGE fan. It had action, humor and the characters were, for the most part, loveable....in my opinion anyway. I have to say it tops my chart of favorites right now. (Or perhaps it's only because it's new, novelty and all)

I have to say I like those Studio Ghibli films better than disney. All the disney films, the girls tend to be wimpy. Most of them anyway. Also, the 'prince' and 'princess' usually don't seem to have much of a history. Like cinderella...she met him once and suddenly they're in love, but Snow white....actually she met him only once before too. It's either that, or they've known each other for a week and they suddenly seem to know each other sooo well that they are willing to marry them. Er...yeah...right...(I guess that could happen..)

But I have to say, Disney isn't too bad, although they skewer a lot of the details so that it can be "suitable" for kids. Like Hercules. Holy crap man. The real Hercules of the Greek Myths is NOTHING like how they portray him in the movie. Heck! He actualy Kills Meg in the myths, not to mention he's basically like a supersized thug with all the things he 'had' to do for the tasks. I personally see it as he really didn't have to do them. It was only for his own gain. He didn't really care that the belt was rightfully Hippolyta's. No, still killed her because he was told to. Right. Even before he had to do the trials he still had severe anger management problems. (One of the reasons why he killed Meg. Supposedly he was enchanted or something? I think. At least that's what one of the versions says that anyway.) There's probably more to the story, (if it was anything but a legend) but I haven't found it yet. I'll keep you posted. Disney is getting better I guess. Most of the movies I'm talking about was, after all, made in the mid 1900's. Woman power was not really that big, though it was moving along.

The only thing I have to say about Howl's Moving Castle is that in order to get some of the insights, you'd have to read the book. Or change the subtitle setting to subtitle 2, but it still doesn't tell you everything, though it is much better and more accurate than the first one. (That is, if you got the english version of the dvd.) I wish it had a few more details on the background of the characters though. Like some more info on the deal between Calcipher and Howl. It made MUCH more sense once I looked up details on it but otherwise, if you didn't read the book you wouldn't really get the full guise of it. The prince's name is Justin and he had gone missing, one of the reasons for the war. I want the book.

I understand that it is hard to include everthing in a 2 hour movie. It was still well done anyway. In my opinion at least, I hear some people didn't like it very much. Calcipher rocks. He's so cute. Aaaaa, I couldn't stop gushing over him. Ling like's Howl most I think. He's okay. Calcipher has little stubs for feet when he gets taken out of the hearth. Ohohoh. So adorable. I want to hug him everytime I see that part. Calcipher, you can be my flame anyday. (ohohohoh...)

The one thing about Studio Ghibli films though is that when they're boring...they are...Boring. (the same can be said for anything, I guess). Aiya...I've watched two of them, 'My neighbors the Yamada's' and 'Pom Poko' and I wanted to drill holes in my head, it was so boring, and long....long and boring. Though Pom Poko was slightly better than the Yamada's. The only part me and Ling found amusing was with the pouches. Pom poko though did serve to remind us how humans tend to not remember that we are not the only ones that live on the earth and that just because we can make it so, does not mean we are the absolute top prority of the world. We're not the only thing that matters on the earth I mean.

Hoi. This post was started last month and I still never posted it. I'm finding that I've been doing that for the last few posts. I start it and never find the motivation to finish it. I usually finish posts during the wee hours of the morning. I've got to get out of the habit. It's starting to annoy me.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Easter Advertising
1:03 am

AAAAAAAA!!!!! Exams are coming up! I think I'm getting hypertension. GAH. Please let me pass.

I don't think anyone realizes when I'm present but I'm really really anxious over them. It'd be great if I got a hundred you know. *grins* But unfortunately I know in reality that will never happen. I have a week before my first exam and its the one I hate the most. I'd be grateful with a C- overall you know? That's how bad I think I'm doing. *breathe* *breathe* *breathe* *breathe* Ack! Hyperventilation now! I feel a conniption coming on. Maybe I should take Lyen's advice and eat something rotten and use the after affects as an excuse to defer my exams.

Anyways other than the doom of finals coming up, I've managed to sign myself up for a Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday. *sigh* I know I shouldn't especially with the exams but the date managed to slip my mind. I kept on thinking that my exam was this Tuesday when in all actuality it is next Thursday with the other remaining 2 final exams the week after. I get more time to fret. Excellent.

But back to the Easter Egg Hunt. I really wanted to volunteer for it last year but something came up that I can't quite remember what now. This year we're having a black light Easter Egg Hunt for the kids 5-12. Sounds like so much fun. Watch kids running around looking for them glowing eggs. Makes me wish that my parents brought me to events like this when I was a kid, but we can't change that now.

Now for some shameless advertising. This event is being held by my Church, Church on 99 for anyone in my part of the world who wants to know. It's just off of 99st and 67 ave, it's really kind of hard to miss the huge teal green sign that says Church on 99. Just keep your eyes peeled. If you live in town and have kids, feel free to bring them in for fun and activities. Heck, come for the service even if you don't have kids.

We have two services that start at 9:45am and 11:30am and the Easter Egg Hunt is being held in our nice new shiny youth centre behind it, 9910, where we also hold our Saturday Youth Encounters for those 18-29. (We have lazer tag, woo!) We even have a yellow school bus that says 'Church on 99' on it at the front for people that don't have cars. It will bring you back and forth from the university bus terminal with various other stops along Whyte ave (and sometimes other places too if you ask nicely. What service!)

For the 9:45am service the bus leaves university at around 9:00am and comes back around 10:45 or so (not quite sure cause I don't go to the early morning service). For the 11:30am service, the bus leaves the U at around 11:00 and comes back around 1:20 or so.

There are other things going on at my Church too. If anyone is curious, check out our spiffy website.

Church on 99

We're getting a website for the youth centre too, but it's not quite ready yet. You can keep an eye on it though if you'd like.

9910 Youth Centre

Have a nice week everyone and come to the Egg Hunt, it's free. Wish all of us students luck on our exams.


Sunday, April 02, 2006
3:03 am

Oh what the hay, I decided to do the other test on that previously mentioned site. Lo and behold. I am creepy (no jibes guys, I can just see them forming in your heads). O_o

Ohohoh, though some of this stuff seems true in a sense, I would like to think of myself as a nice, accepting individual. Unless you do really stupid things, like that guy who cut off his face with a broken mirror or something and fed the pieces to his dogs while on a high with Angel Dust. In that case, that just pisses me off and makes me want to beat you with a blunt object.

It's people like that, that make what I want my future job to be, annoying. Poor dogs had to get their stomachs pumped for that. Argh.

Find your Celestial Choir


Saturday, April 01, 2006
I'm a Nymph
11:13 pm

Hey look, I'm a Nymph....cool.....sort of explains me too. Odd, but then again those descriptions are really general.

Wait, does that mean I run around naked?

What Kind Of Fae Are You?

