midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Circle
3:59 pm

You know how they say, when one things dies, another is born in its place? Today when Terence brought me back home from Whyte Ave, just before the hill reached my condo, we caught sight of a dead cat. I thought it was a muffler at first and being the nosy dork Terence is, he stopped at the side of the road and reversed back to it to see what it was. We didn't actually get out but I opened the door to look.

Nooo.....the first thing I thought was, OH NO! poor cat! It was probably someone's pet and the thought immediately made me think of Ali. I miss the dumb furball and thinking about him still makes my eyes mist. Stupid idiot who hit him and left him for dead. He wasn't goddamned dead yet you idiot. You don't know how hard I cried after Charmaine called to tell me what happened. Man, if I happen to ever find out who did that, I’m going to seriously mangle him or her. The least you could do is stop and bring him back to us, not drive away. Stupid fucker.

Anyway, we ended up parking the car a little ways from the cat and walked back to check it again. Even though I knew that the chances of it still being alive were next to nothing, I still had the hope that it was still alive. Maybe I'd be able to magically save it or something, I don't know. I knew that even if it managed to survive the initial crash, it would still have died later anyway. Only with prolonged pain. I couldn't stop thinking about Ali.

Maybe it was a sign, because when I got home the next day my mom told me that my cousin had given birth to a little baby girl. It would have been around the time that the cat was hit and killed because I wasn't down at Whyte Ave very long and it sure wasn't there when I left. It would have been maybe 2-3 hours at the most because the scene down there made me really sad at how people could disrespect their city and dishonour their sports team so easily.

Anyways, happier issues. Yes! I have a new female baby second cousin! Wahaha, girls shall continue to reign supreme! Her name is Isabelle. I'm going to call her Izzy! It's so cute. She could be the spirit of that poor cat so I could always call her kitten or something. o_O

My aunt tells me not to call her any nicknames because Jan apparently doesn't like it and got in a fight with his mother over her calling Illiana Illy.

What the heck man. I was kind of put off with it. I'm still going to call her Izzy unless Jan gives me a good reason not to, and 'because I don't like it' is NOT a reason. I respect his wishes and all but you still have to give me a good reason. I mean it's not like the name is derogatory or degrading. The way I see it, nicknames are a sign of affection and closeness from family and such. I like the nickname Izzy, it's adorable. I don’t know if what happened with Jan and his mother were true but knowing how this particular aunt likes to spread things that aren’t really true, I’ll hold off judgement and not believe what she says. Besides, that fight over the nickname could have been something else and my Aunt may have just heard it wrong. You know how gossip is even though I highly doubt she would spread untrue things around about her daughter’s family. Things about the rest of her extended family…are a different case altogether. T_T

Sometimes Jan just annoys the hell out of me. Like that one time when my sister, aunt, mother and I were at that mall and Mim told us to meet her at A&W when we were finished. We looked everywhere and asked everyone where it was. It wasn't on the directory or anything and Mim didn't have a cell phone for us to contact her anymore so we called the house and Jan was the only one there. My aunt was the first to talk to him and tell him the situation. I think she got fed up and passed it to me. I told him we couldn't find it. The place where he indicated the A&W should be at, was beside the shop we were in front of. Yeah, right… I told him we're already there and well, I don't see anything resembling A&W here.

Hoi, I was already on a short string that day and once he said in that friggin high voice 'It's not rocket science kids' he just cut that string. Holy fuck man. It may not be rocket science but it might as well be when you’ve looked through the directory, asked everyone and still come up with nothing. Not to mention we don't LIVE in Vancouver and this is the first time we’ve been to this particular mall. *enter steam coming out of ears*.

We finally find Mimi and apparently the A&W that was supposed to be there, isn't there anymore. Holy crap. I felt like popping a gasket. It had been hot day and I had always hated going out in Vancouver, I hate it even more now. Especially when you have to wait on people for a ride. I didn’t want to blow up on Mimi cause it’s not really her fault. She didn’t realise that the shop wasn’t there anymore. It wasn’t Jan’s fault either but I really REALLY didn’t appreciate his tone of voice and his comment, especially at that time, but we were all frustrated. *sigh* I guess it happens.

Ok, I’m going to stop ranting now. You’re all probably tired of hearing me complain. Yay! New Baby! Got to find something for it now. ^.^


Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Moving Along
8:23 am

Ohohoh. Here I am minding my own business when suddenly I hear a great loud crashing sound. The sound where something has dropped and rolled (even though it's not supposed to be able to roll). Being the curious person I am (see nosey) I went outside to see what was going on.

Wonder of wonders, I see one of those professional moving vans stopped on the road in front of the building, it's workers quickly trying to get the fallen....er....boards(?) off the road and back into the van. Apparently the door had opened. Speed bump? Hmmm.

I hope the person they were moving for had their things insured.


Sunday, May 14, 2006
Dog Doors
3:50 am


There's a dog on the otherside of my condo door...

I only noticed the shadow and I thought it was someone else standing in front of my door, for more than 10 minutes. I wasn't sure so I stopped by the door and waited (I was heading off to brush my teeth). Basically all that was going through my mind was 'creep, what the hell is he/she doing?' I didn't hear anyone fiddling with the locks so it confused me. (I think if it was someone doing something to the lock I would have gotten my handy dandy all-purpose clever.)

After standing there and contemplating what weapons I had at my disposal and the limited karate and weapons moves I could remember, who's technical term has totally fled me, (don't know how good a sign that is..) I heard a soft whine.

Awwwww, I think it is the neighbour's dog. The one across the hall, but I'm not sure. When I finally bent down to see if I could gather more environmental info from under the door gap, I saw it's nose. It snuffed at me. ohohoh.. ^.^ I wanted to open the door and see it but I think that may not be such a smart idea. Problems may arise, one being, 'how do I get it to leave?'...

Poor guy must have gotten locked out somehow. Either that or he just got kicked out. Hope he doesn't leave things in the hall, if you know what I mean.

Oop, sun's rising. Better head off to bed. Though I don't know how much sleep I'll get. (I fell asleep on the floor again..) Chow people.

Happy Hallmark Mother's Day. You shouldn't need to have only one day to make your mother feel happy, appreciated and loved.

It is now 5:21am.

