midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Taste edmonton
3:53 am

Mmmm Edmonton, why are you so delicious?

Why do you have to be so smouldering hot?

Are you trying to melt me until I'm nothing but one big puddle of Iris?

Okay, not really like that, but it was really hot. Today was the taste of Edmonton. A time that happens every year where you go to City Centre and buy tickets so that you can get a little something from various ethnic restaurants around Edmonton. Now all located in one convenient location!

I went with Ling to taste Edmonton....okay that sounds wrong. I went with Ling to buy tickets to taste Edmonton...er...I went with Ling to buy tickets to taste food being served in Edmonton. There we go. I have to say I spent a good over 80 bucks there and it was well worth it. (No it was not all on food.)

I tried my hand at the groceries for like raffle. The one where if you win you get 20 years of $500 a month for groceries. Man, with the amount of food my sister and I go through, $500 a month would be very nice. Wish me luck!

Ling and I stayed there for a while, but it was so very hot. I wanted a snow-cone, but they didn't have any. :( I saw some people walking around with them but apparently the vendor was one of those walking vendors. I swear he knew I was coming so he decided to hide. Jerk. Did I mention it was very hot?

Well there's really not much to do other than eat at the Taste of Edmonton so Ling and I went to Save-On. It was quite interesting. We saw some guys getting cuffed outside. I wonder what happened...

So Ling and I finally got some much-needed food. We've been meaning to go out for a while now to restock the fridge but we never got around to it....Okay, we were just lazy but we eventually got the goods anyways. We wanted to get more but once again we were lazy and just didn’t want to carry them home.

On the way home we gave a homeless guy our four leftover tickets from the Taste of Edmonton. We figured that, since we're not going to be doing anything with the tickets we might as well give them to him. At least this way we know he would only to be able to use them for food and not for drugs or something.

And that, was my day. Oh and I think I’ve developed an addiction to rice pudding.

Now I really want more rice pudding. Mmm...

