midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
3:19 am

Holy carp. Am I looking at this right? For those that don't know, I applied for the new program that opened up at BCIT. Basically I entered because my aunt and other aunt and mother wanted me to. Said it was up my alley apparently.

I highly doubted that I'd be able to make it in mainly because I was not a member of the BC populous and my marks are nothing stellular. Actually they are quite dismal. I considered the fact that I didn't like Vancouver, I hate the transport system, schools usually giver priority to provincial residents before other province residents, and they advertised it on the newspaper and TV. I expected a large flock of people trying to get in. What were the chances that I would? But ahh what the hey, I'll try it anyways, if only to stop my mom from saying "you never know if you'll get in unless you try."

I got the regular responses from BCIT. "We got your application..", "Please send all transcripts..." It seems I didn't warrant enough attention to actually get my letters properly sealed. They scotch taped my envelopes. T_T The heck... The whole time I was like, just send me my rejection letter already! I really kind of didn't want to go to BC and was actually hoping to get a rejection.

Apparently there's something else in my future because a few days later when Ling and I were about to leave I went to check the mail and saw something from BCIT. Actually, it was kind of bigger than a usual letter but I didn't really see anything unusual with it until I peeled off the scotch tape...again. I thought...well....here it is...


...I actually had to do a double take. What the...I got in? Where they drunk when they agreed to this?

I actually stood there feeling mixed feelings. I was happy that I was accepted, cause it meant in some shape or form I was good enough. Happy that now I could tell ma that I made it in and not disappoint her anymore by my "I don't know what I want to do in the future" ways. Happy that I'd be making everyone else happy that I might be moving down to Vancouver since everyone's been trying to get me down there for some reason, happy that I might finally be able to give my family a reason to be proud of me... but at the same time I couldn't help but feel sad. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to go to BC. I didn't want to be doing this just because they wanted me to. I didn't want to leave Ling and Corinna.

I asked Ling what she thought and she says it's up to me and that I only really enrolled for them anyways. That's true. I really didn't want to leave, but I can't help but think that there was an otherworldly reason that they were letting me into the program. Hopefully it isn't just to see me fail. Maybe there's something else out there waiting for me and this is the first step.

I think I'll go, but that means I'll have to pack whatever is vital and leave in two days to get ready for school. I don't want to leave. I don't have anything ready to move, for obvious reasons. I feel like I'm going to be leaving my world for something that's not mine, but I guess it's only for two years. It won't be that long right? Right. I'll finish this and be back better than ever...or at least with a diploma.

Heading off to BCIT. I'll be back Edmonton.

Don't change too much.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Klondike Days
1:03 pm

Klondike Day! Otherwise known as K-days or what they want to call it now….Captial X. *coughsoundsstupidcough*

Okay, now I'm not really much for the rides and what-not but it's still fun to go see what’s up and about. I went with Ling and Corinna this year. It was Ling's first time at Klondike Days. *sniff* She's all grown up. XD

I can tell you one thing. I didn't even make it to the rides before I spent over $100. I bought those ticket raffles like mad. I got 2 sets of the Dream Home tickets. Ba wanted me to get some for him so I did and I got another set just in case...(in case of what...I don't know). Then I got a ticket for the gold brick. This is where I ran out of all of my money and had to go back to the ATM to get more. The line for the ATM was outrageous and the line didn't seem to move. The people up front appeared to be confused at how to use the machine. Gar, it was so expensive too. It had a $2 service charge, but I guess that's where they get their profits. I spent another 20 bucks on the second set of Ba's tickets (actually I goofed and put my name instead of his on the first set, so these ones were really his. I remembered his name).

Oh dear. I hope I'm not developing a gambling addiction... After this, I was basically penniless. : ( Wait...maybe not. I had three pennies.

We spent a long time there. Gawd, I'm so tired.

Basically the whole time we were there we played games, then we walked around and played more games. I only really played the birthday game but I still lost at every round. >:( Corinna and I watched this horse race gambling game for a good half and hour. I don't know what drew us to watch but it was mesmerizing. I would have tried if I didn't spend all my money on those raffle tickets.

When we were at the trade show we met up with Ryan's parents. Ryan was apparently somewhere on the grounds but we had yet to meet up with him. I did get my prince though! Ohhoh, my frog prince alarm clock that is. It was at the trade show thing on the park grounds and because it was two dollars cheaper than the one I saw at Kingsway, I got it. :D Now my prince can watch over me as I sleep...okay, that's kind of creepy.

We finally stopped to get something to eat at around 10. I got some Vietnamese at this place that was trying to close down. They wanted to get rid of everything so they packed a lot into the tiny bowl they gave me. All for $5...not bad :) The neighbouring Japanese place was also trying to close down and asked me if I wanted Japanese or spring rolls. Hahah man, I already had such a big bowl of Vietnamese noodles, does it look like I need more? I don't look like a pig do I?....okay don't answer that...

Ling got these perogies. I thought it was funny and gross at the same time how greasy it was. When Ling finished, Corinna slid the little cup they used to hold sour cream around on the oil that was left on the plate. : P

We met up with some of Corinna's workmates later to watch the fireworks. It was pretty good. I think they were trying to draw shapes with the ligths....but I'm not too sure. I could have sworn I saw a rabbit in there somewhere. This is where we caught sight of Ryan. Of course it was Kind of hard to miss when he was in a bright yellow jacket. :/ We ended up going saying hi and left him to his posse.

After night fell I started to want to go on some rides. I think it may be because of the nice shiny lights. The only thing was that the tickets were so expensive. It's like they were trying to put you in debt in one fell swoop. Ling and I wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel but ended up not going. I don't think Corinna's workmates wanted to go. I'd feel like I was inconveniencing them or something if I just went anyways. *sigh* It's okay. There's always next year.

We met up with Ryan again later at the games. Though at this time I really had no money left. It was very sad. Now all we did was follow people around.

We left K-days shortly after. Ling was tired but the others wanted to eat. I kind of wanted to go but like Ling, I was kind of tired. We went with the others to Garden Bakery anyways. Maybe I should have just gone home with Ling but I got a drink out of the process. Not that that makes much of a difference. We ended up getting a ride from Corinna's workmate's friend so we didn’t have to walk.
So tired.

As soon as we got home... I passed out on floor.

