midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Beginning
12:27 am

First days of school in BCIT.

Doesn't seem so bad yet. Other than the fact that I have to wake up three hours to get to school on time, the bus comes around every hour and the bus fares could make a millionaire poor...Okay maybe not a millionaire but it is making me poor.

I don't like how I have to depend on someone to give me a ride to the bus stop or anywhere for that matter. I feel like I'm inconveniencing them and I feel like I'm not capable of doing anything by myself. It's like I've gone 5 years back and now I'm a kid again that needs everything done for them.

I don't like how the place seems so cold. It has a different air to it than Edmonton (of course I could be a bit biased...) I get the notion that the people are friendly in Edmonton. Here, it's like they would sooner want to see you get hit by one of those stupid buses than say hi. Okay maybe not to that extent, but the bus fares are outrageous. Did I mention they suck? If I added all the fares together for a year, it's already paid for two of my classes at BCIT.

Well, at least my classmates are nice. There’s no one that I really want to beat with my binder yet. Though that may change. The teachers seem to really want us to pass. I kind of feel spoiled. Although their actions may be partly due to the fact that we're the first the group in program and they need to make a good impression. I have to say I like this school better than U of A and Grant MacEwan. The only thing is the workload. Holy manoly. This semester I have 8 courses, which isn't so bad because most of them overlap so there's not a lot you have to study if you know one course well enough. But the homework…Hoi...there's a lot. It worst considering that you only really have one session of a particular class a week.

I don't really like the long hours either. It wouldn't hurt to wish that the classes ended sometime before 4, instead of 8 or 9 pm. *Sigh* It's okay I guess. I just don't like how I have to wake up at 11 am to get to my 1:30 pm class and then get off at 9:30 pm only to get home at 10:15pm. Doesn't leave me much time to do anything. So weekends are defaulted homework days.

Yeah, my main peeve is the hours. I don’t know how I’m going to survive next semester. I’m nervous just thinking about it. There are 10 courses next term. 9 if you don’t include job placement. So many classes in a year. I think the teachers just want to kick us out as soon as possible.

