midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Blog Number 6
3:50 am

Ahahahah *sheepish laugh*

Another blog thing guys. I think this one will be just for photos. I'll possibly update something here and there but don't expect too much. It's mid-term week and right now I'm cursing the guy who invented accounting >: (

Anyways, meet my new friend. One of the best two bucks I ever spent. I swear I spent 3 hours taking pictures with him. Yeah, that's what I was doing instead of studying for the accounting mid-term on Monday.

Yesterday, Sarah, Vivian and I took something like 5 hours to get 5 out of 31 Accounting questions done. That's so bad. I think I'm going to get viciously sick on Monday.... Right, so due to unforeseen circumstances I've decided to give up on Accounting for the moment. If only for the sake of my room. Every time I look at it...I get the almost overwhelming urge to burn anything related to it.

That can't be healthy...

Note: This post was moved from my Midnight Garden blog, that has since been put down due to the fact that I am lazy and have too many blogs.


Friday, October 20, 2006
Flexo, Fact or Fiction?
8:42 pm

Today we had another one of our BCIT fieldtrips to a plant related to printing somehow.

Did I ever tell you guys that I was enrolled in the Graphic Communications program? Well I am. It's basically everything you could do with printing and today for our Industry Operations class we were supposed to head off to Langley to see the TAPP flexography plant.

There were a few minor problems.

It just so happens that on the way to Langley there was construction so traffic grounded to a halt and it took us something like an hour to reach Langley itself where we promptly got lost.

I swear every city should look into numerical street names. It would be more economically friendly seeing as visitors would not pull out their hair as much trying to find an area and would probably be more inclined to visit again.

Yeah, so we all basically carpooled and followed Sir Wayne to Langley and got lost in the process.

This unrelated but I can't seem to call my teachers by their first name. Call me weird, but I feel disrespectful for some reason. I know they don't mind and some even just want you to call them by their first name but I can't. So I'll call my teacher Sir Wayne. I think it has a certain ring to it.

Ok, so our car followed Sir Wayne but the thing is, we all turned around and ended up in the wrong place. We ended up doing a U-turn but funny enough, we lost him when everyone in the car got distracted by a blown up ghost globe looking thing that had black and orange balls flying around in it. *sweatdrop* We get distracted so easy it's not even funny.

So now we're on our own. We had a map, an address, Sir Wayne’s cell number, it shouldn't be too bad right? Nope. For the next two hours, we drove around Langley looking for this flexo plant that I'm starting to believe does not really exist. Not only that, we find out that the map Sir Wayne gave us was wrong, that his directions suck and Vivian needed go to the bathroom really badly. XP For the sake of the car we had to let her out. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find a public restaurant when you really need it?

Anyways, I swear in the course of half and hour, we passed 203 St. and 205 St. twenty some odd times. The reason being, it said it was off of 205 St. but we now know that is not true. It was nowhere close to 205 St, but It seems that Sir Wayne and another car managed to finally reach the plant. Well, at least we know it's real now. Sir Wayne told us to go west. Funny how we ended up in Surrey...

We were apparently supposed to go East. Gah. We left at 2 PM. The appointment for the tour was at 3 PM. The first car did not get there till 3:35 PM and right now, it is 4 PM and my car and I were still not there. You know what guys? I might be throwing this out on a limb a little, but I don't think we're going to make it....

Yeah, we are so not going to make it there. So what do we do? We end up bailing and stopped at Tim Horton's instead to grab a bite to eat before we headed back to Burnaby. On the way back we took detour when Steve said he wanted to show us the prostitutes. O_o Why would you know about the hookers in the area Steve?

Basically he locked the doors and said he wanted to show us something, brought us to the area and told us how bad it was before they cleaned it up. How perverts would be sitting in the bushed under where the SkyTrain is now and how when they cleaned it up, they found a body there. *shiver*

Anyways, we finally made it back to school and spent a total of 3 hours in that stupid car. I mean…it's a lovely car Steve...

I just felt antsy after being stuck in there for so long. Dag nab it. I hope the Sarah took good notes on the tour for us.


Sunday, October 15, 2006
Augh, Gross.
7:49 pm

*Sigh* I am missing Cirque Du Soleil. Funny thing is that I was the one that was so hyped up about it that I got Corinna to get up with me when they started to sell the tickets so that we could get good seats...Dag nab it. I wanted to see it but I’m down here. I wanted to see the Phantom of the Opera. We had tickets for that too. Now I'm never going to be able to see them. No one's going to want to pay $85 for a show they've already seen. I feel kind of left out right but I guess it can't be helped.

I wonder if the guys stopped to think of me when they went to see it.

Right now I am feeling sick. I had to go to a group meeting today for my Business Communication group presentation and the whole time I just felt like leaving. This morning I almost threw up waiting for the bus. I had to walk to Tim Horton’s in hopes that it would stop the nausea. I got a tea from them but I really wasn't able to drink it till I got to school (for fear of the bus hitting a bump and me inhaling the tea the wrong way). By then it was cold but at least the scent of the tea helped settle my stomach a little.

I don't know why I felt like that. It was horrible. I didn't want to eat anything in case I would toss all back up again. I almost threw up again waiting for the bus but it wasn't as bad as this morning.

I think it's just stress and lack of sleep.

This can't be good for me.


Monday, October 09, 2006
11:52 pm


A day for giving thanks.

I thank god that I was accepted into my new school. I'm thankful that I have wonderful family members here that are looking out for me. I thank god that we're all doing fine. I'm glad that everyone in my class is nice and friendly and that my teachers are equally so. I am grateful that I have a good computer, a hot meal everyday, and a roof over my head. I'm glad that I don't have to worry much about money and I'm happy that I have something of a idea of how Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby are laid out so I don't get lost too bad. I like how I got to spend the evening with everyone that came to eat dinner. I love that I'm with Apoh and Guhn Guhn, Charmaine, Ethan, Sai Yee Yee and Uncle Steve. I like how Mimi, Jan, Illiana and Isabell are within bussing distance, but no matter how I try to look at it I can't help but find myself feeling like something is missing.

I miss mama, I miss baba, I miss yee yee, I miss Edmonton. I miss Ling being a lazy slob and not cleaning up after herself. I miss going to superstore with Corinna, Terence and Felix and going home with bags and bags of groceries and then having to go out next week and do the same thing again. I miss watching the sunset from my window and still being awake to watch it when it rises. I miss going to church with Sarah. I miss being able to type to Ling on msn when she asks what I’m cooking for dinner even though we really could just say it out loud because we’re actually just sitting right next to each other. I miss these and more and no matter how much I try reminding myself that I'm lucky to be here, getting the chance that I'm getting. I find that at times like this I'm always the same.

I'm homesick.

And I just want to go home.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Shoot Me
10:25 pm

Someone shoot me.


Breaking down

Group project

I'm not as strong as I'd like to be.

So tired.


