midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Halfway Mark
11:23 pm

Yay! Exams! I'm halfway through! :D

I finished Press Op. today. Now only three more to go and I'm finished this semester! All that remains now is Industry Operations, Image Manipulation, and File Construction.

I have a feeling that I am seriously going to fail Industry Op. Blegh, how am I supposed remember all the nitty gritty details of the plants? What Sir Wayne thinks is important sure doesn't sound important to me. Ah well, at least I know that I only need 5% on the final to pass the course, but who really wants to 'just pass' when you could do so much better?



Friday, December 08, 2006
Hell Week and Close Calls
10:08 pm

Well it's finals now. Somehow I feel stressed but at the same time I'm not. Does that sound odd?

I know that I have 8 exams waiting for me and I should be sweating and worrying about them. In a sense I kind of am. At times I think of them and I go "Holy crap! I have 8 exams" *runs around in panic* but at other times I have this feeling of acceptance, indifference if you will. I can't really explain it.

On to other news, today my bus driver hit a lady 2 blocks from the skytrain station. Why do I seem to always pick the eventful bus rides? The last time, some idiot tried to start a fight with a guy that called him on trying to sneak on the bus. *coughlosercough* What doofus tries to do a roundhouse kick in a BUS of all places. Stupid kid.

Anyways today's bus (well I guess it's yesterday's now) was packed. That was probably one of the reasons why it happened in the first place. The driver couldn't see the right side of the street (which she should not have let happen). For all other purposes though, the lady walking across the road should have looked all ways before crossing the street. It wasn't too bad though. The driver didn't full out hit the lady, just bumped her a bit. Regardless if it was a little bump or not, I'm sure getting hit by something like a bus is probably not a walk in the park.

The lady was fine from what I could see. She was still able to stand, there was no blood gushing anywhere. There is probably going to be a very big bruise and possibly a hairline fracture (which I hear hurts like hell *ouch*) but she was fine. After the first 5 minutes, most of the bus riders left back to the Skytrain for another bus.

I asked the lady if she was alright and she answered positively. That was good, she could still answer questions. She was probably in shock though, I stayed there till the ambulance got there and began my trek back to the Skytrain station once I saw them pull up.

After all the excitement, I ended up getting a ride from Mimi. She called me at the perfect time. It was almost like it was coordinated. :O Good thing too because now it's close to 11 pm.

Woo, what a day.

