midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Monday, April 23, 2007
11:36 pm

It makes me wonder. Do I really look so different on a regular basis that when I put on a 'nicer' shirt and let down my hair, everyone comments on how 'pretty' I look? O_o

The reason I'm slightly dressed up is because I had a interview with my work placement place today. Of course I wasn't going to go in a torn up sweater and jeans so I put on a black shirt and pants. I tied my hair half up, half down and that was it.

Golly gee you guys. Totally ignoring the layers of sleepless-bags under my eyes... Peter didn't even recognize me till he stared at me for a second. Whaaaaaaat.... geeze you guys.

It's the same outfit that I wore to Easter fellowship too. I remember apoh mentioning that if I wanted to, I could look very nice. Whhhhaaaatttt. What does THAT mean?!?! Am I missing something here? *twitches* Are you saying I don't look good on a regular basis. I'll have you know I am ALWAYS gorgeous! *flutters eyes*

I have to say, I am not made for heels. Even the low half an inch ones. I wore those things for one day and holy toasted marshmallows batman, my feet hurt, and I have a blister from it too. By the end of the day I have a feeling that I was walking weird cause Sarah asked me if I was ok. : /

Note to self: Get a nice COMFORTABLE pair of black slip on shoes. D: I almost died. Augh.

On other news, on the bus yesterday the driver hit a bump really fast and I swear the bottom of the bus hit asphalt. It made this loud Sccccreeech and it bounced everyone in the back of the bus like a snow-globe. No joke.


Everyone in back getting bounced off their seat at least 3 inches: "AHHHHH!"

Ah well, it was interesting at least.

