midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Matters of the Heart
2:09 am

You know what? I don't think I'm made for being away for long periods of time. I get too attached to a previous place and at odd times, I get really homesick. Like right now for example. I'm with my grandparents, and aunt with my other aunt, uncle and 2 cousins next door but yet, I feel....I don't know how to describe it. Lonely? No, not really lonely exactly. I feel like I'm missing something, but what could I be missing? Am I horrible to not be content with my family around me?

I have no idea what brought this feeling about. I'm just sitting here minding my own business and reading a story that has nothing to do with loneliness or missing something but yet...

I think, I think too much..if you get what I mean. I contemplate too many things. I could be sitting there and start thinking on how I hope the kids don't grow up to be vain, or how the heater ducts need to be cleaned.

Could it be that life is passing me by and I'm acutely noticing it? I think I need to figure out my point in life. I think the times I've felt happiest are the times I've volunteered. No pressure of having to please a boss, though that doesn't mean I don't have to give my 100%. I can see people happy and enjoying what I'm doing. I need to find something to put my heart and soul into.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007
1:59 am

We went to watch that new Pixar movie "Ratatouille" on Sunday and I have to say it is one of my favorites so far. It's so funny and Remy is so cute! :D haha, his expressions are so outrageous it's funny. *sigh* I can't cook for the life of me. D: Oh Remy!

You can be my little chef anytime.

