midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
10:10 pm

Done finals. I hate InDesign. Probably failed. Still have to get the kid's Christmas gifts. Don't know what to get. Toys are out of the question. They play with it once and never look at it again. Has to be either educational, useful, or engages them in some kind of craft or brain-work.

Augh, brain...dead....can't think in whole sentences.

...That...does not....compute....

[Syntax Error]


Monday, December 10, 2007
4:14 am

Is overrated. XP

0/9 Finals


Saturday, December 01, 2007
I Concur
11:54 pm

Click*I Really Hate Transit *Click


Snow Covers More Than Just the Earth
4:47 pm

It is snowing.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, but every time it actually does happen to snow here in BC it makes me homesick.

Is it not funny? 2 Years and I am still homesick, but at least I still get my snow.

Sabby's has recently taken up residence in Leo's old house. I have to say it doesn't hurt as much I thought it would. I actually feel better knowing that at least Sabby is still here. It fills the pang of seeing Leo's empty house....but Sabby is so sick.

These last few months have not been the greatest. In the span of 2 months, we lost Ebony, Charmaine's monster of a dog, then I lose Leo and now all we can do is wait for Sabby (yet hoping for the best). Paste on the stress of 6 straight weeks of no weekend, 6 group projects with 5 different groups and the loom of 9 final exams all in one week, I feel just a bit frustrated and a little at my wits end.

But that is ok I guess. I am still alive right? I can still be here to watch those munchkins grow up while I screw with their minds (for their own good of course). I can still be here to watch the sunrise. I can still watch the sunset and I can still admire the moon on a clear crisp night.

In perspective even with everything, I have to admit that I have relented to something like acceptance, peaceful almost. I don't know how to explain it. It is almost like nostalgia.

I still think often of Leo. I could be doing homework and all of a sudden I remember how he would stand really close to me when it rained really hard and I would absently rub his ears. It still makes me sad but at least now I do not constantly see him as I last saw him. When he haunted me. Has it really been only 8 years since we got him? And now he is already gone.


Life really is short, isn't it?

