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Friday, April 10, 2009
Biking for More Than My Life
4:22 am

Hi all!

I haven't been on blogger in a looong time. Since you've last heard from me, I've finished up all my pre-requisites for my new program so I'm going to by trying for full time again next semester. Wish me luck. But before all of that I've got myself involved with some fund-raising.

This time it's for the BC Cancer Foundation. I'm going to be biking for 2 days from Vancouver to Seattle for Cancer and I need to raise at least $2,500. Think you can help me? Any donation over 10 bucks gets you a tax receipt. So you're supporting a worthy cause AND getting a break from the government....well, Canadian government anyways. Not sure about the U.S.

If there are any American takers, funds received will be sent to an American Cancer Research firm. Though I'm not quite sure which one that is. Your guess is as good as mine.

Check out my participant page to help me with my goal or print out a donation form to mail in.

My participant ID is 231851-6. (Please remember it when you're filling out that donation form. :D)

Find more info on the whole event from www.conquercancer.ca and while you are at it, why not join the ride? If you're from Seattle, you are free to join us over here in BC. The more the merrier!

No one could be as out of shape as me (I'm kind of oblong), so none of you guys have anything to worry about. No sweat right? I'm just beginning everything so I'll have to figure out a way to fundraise and train. Have to get all my gear organized.

Come out to the cheer points along the bike route and cheer for us if you can, we'd all love the support. Though right now we're not sure where the cheer points will be. It'll be announce when the route is finalized. (They're trying to look for a flatter course which is excellent. The ones on my grade 12 bike trip almost killed me. D: Dang hills. ) Anyways, join the crew if you want to help out but don't feel like biking. We're always looking for help.

Bring friends, it's going to be a blast.

