midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

Navigations are at the top of this box.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
4:05 am

You know what I just realised? It's a trivial matter but, on my little cousin's spelling homework that I helped him with today, one of his answers was wrong. He was doing rules for the endings '-ed' and '-ing'. One of the rules was that if it ended in a vowel then consonant, you were supposed to double the consonant (like ship>shipping).

It didn't even hit me till now, 12 hours later (yes I'm that slow) that even though the word 'Shout' followed that ending pattern, it wasn't supposed to have a doubled consonant. D: I was paying too much attention to the rule and it didn't even hit me that the word was 'shout'. I mean I saw it was 'shout' but it didn't hit me that it was that 'SHOUT', you know (you get it right? Right?). What the heck was I thinking. Apparently I wasn't.

Dag nab it. I'm never going to hear the end of it from him. *sigh* I thought it looked a bit weird. I seems I need to go back to grade 2.

Auggghh, that's going to bug me for the rest of the night. I'm going to have to call him in the morning to tell him.


Bye Bye Xanga
2:24 am

Yes as you can see, 4 years and 5 posts after I signed up for a blog on Xanga, I have decided to get rid of it. Windows Live too (2 posts).

Why? well it's elementary my dear...you. I'm just lazy. I'll admit it, I just didn't have as much to say as I thought I did (Yes, even I, run out of words occasionally.)

I've just decided to do my part for the poor example of organization that is called the internet. I figured that I would start minimizing on the amount of real estate that I take up on the great wide web. Imagine all those dead, abandoned pages taking up unneeded server space.

Now that I think about it, ever wonder if the internet can run out of room? Who defragments the web? I guess people are always adding servers to everything so running out of internet is probably not an issue.

Anyways, if you had not noticed before, I have quite a few (see 6) blogs. So I'm offing a couple and sadly (not really) Xanga and Windows Live had to go. I mean, other than the initial posts to the Xanga and Windows Live, I haven't really touched them at all. They've been slowly wasting away into oblivion with no one to give them any loving care, play with it (change layout), and feed it (posts).

Not that my blogger blogs were any better, but I just have more stuff on blogger. If these blogs were alive, they'd have probably died from starvation already and I'd be locked up for abuse and negligence of blogs (that would suck). Ah, poor poor, blogs.

I have moved most of the posts to this blog 'Midnight Evenings' so you'll be able to go back and read my awesome witty soliloquies. I couldn't transfer the (one solitary) comment that two sites garnered (in the last 4 years) to this site though. Dang.

Ah well. Anyways, say goodbye to those two blog links in the 'blog' section. It's been an uneventful 4 years for those two. I'll put you guys out of your misery now.

