midnight evenings
~Darkness Entices the Mind~

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Monday, December 10, 2012
Snow Diving Cats
2:28 am

Long time no see!

To start off the reunion, I'll just let you all know of a fun memory that I've remembered thanks to a snowy manga scene involving a cat.

We used to have a male outdoor cat, named Ali, around my grandmother's farm whom, at one time, thought that it was a good idea to jump into 2.5 ft of snow from the deck.

Needless to say he needed help to get out after and I have to admit that I did not hesitate to laugh at his expense. One of those, 'you should've been there' moments. Hahahaha. Sorry Ali. I am such a mean owner.

Geeze, I miss that little bugger. Not only cause he was so funny and great company but we probably would not be having this mouse problem that we are having right now. D:

Yay for farm life.


